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Your 25 words typeset into a one inch display ad and run in the weekend issue for just $195.
Two inch ad, just $295
The weekend issue publishes on Friday and is sold through Sunday (three days of coverage). It's their largest paper of the week.
Approx. 25 words maximum.
Deadine is Wednesday 1 pm EST for that weekend's issue.
Ads are run under "Business Opportunities" unless you indicate otherwise.
National print readership of 2,600,000 daily.
USA Today is the most recognized, most widely circulated newspaper in the United States.
53% Earn $81,441 or more per year.
73.1% are college educated.
USA Today
Order your ad below, then email your wording to me at
Wolf Enterprises • 2060 Leeward Lane • Merritt Island, FL 32953
Phone: (321) 449-1211 • Fax: (321) 449-1213 • Email:
Your ad will also appear on the website for 30 days!!